Scholarships & Bursaries

The following scholarships will be offered for 2026:

Year 7 Academic Scholarship

Year 7 Academic Scholarships are offered for entry at Year 7 in 2026. They are available to new and current students.

Academic Scholarships offer students tuition fee relief ranging from 25-100% for recipients Years 7-9 at the College. Following the three year scholarship, students will be eligible to apply for an extension or alternate scholarship available for 2028 and beyond. Scholarships will be awarded from the results of a Scholarship Test conducted by EduTest. Applications close on Friday 14 March 2025 with the Scholarship Test held on Saturday 22 March 2025.

Year 7 Music Scholarship

Year 7 Music Scholarships are offered for entry at Year 7 in 2026. They are available to new and current students.

These scholarships will offer students tuition fee relief ranging from 25-100% for each recipient’s Years 7-9 at the College. Following the three year scholarship, students will be eligible to apply for an extension or alternate scholarship available for 2028 and beyond.

Please apply by completing this Google form, explaining your achievements in Music and commitment to your studies and College life. Applications close on Friday 28 March 2025.

Recipients will be notified in writing once Music Scholarship recipients have been identified, with awarded scholarships being subject to ongoing satisfactory progress at the College and via an annual review process.

Applications will be reviewed and students will attend a live audition and music aptitude test with College music staff which will be conducted after the application is closed. Pending a successful audition, students will be invited to an interview with the Principal.

For further information about the Music Scholarship and the audition process, please contact Ms Gabrielle Ball – Director of Music,

Year 11 Harold Gatty Memorial Scholarship

Harold Gatty himself won a bursary to attend St Virgil’s College, after growing up in Campbell Town. Harold went on to have an esteemed international career in aviation.

Year 11 Old Virgilians Association Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship honours all facets of college life and academic excellence shown by so many of our past students.

Year 11 Leo Doyle Memorial Scholarship

In honour of the first day student of St Virgil’s College, Leo Doyle was an academic and prize-winner throughout his education and went on to be held in high honour in the legal profession.

Year 11 Sir John Galvin Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is in honour of Sir John Galvin. An astute Old Virgilian, becoming a wealthy businessman, property owner and international advisor, Galvin donated a significant sum of the funds used to build the original Austins Ferry Campus.

The above Year 11 Academic Scholarships are offered for entry at Year 11 in 2026. They are available to new and current students. The Scholarships offer students tuition fee relief ranging from 25-100% for each recipient's final two years at the College. Scholarships will be awarded from the results of a Scholarship Test conducted by EduTest. Applications close on Friday 14 March 2025 with the Scholarship Test held on Saturday 22 March 2025.

Further information about academic scholarships and the testing process can sought by contacting Mr Rohan Mitchell – Director of Learning & Innovation,

Recipients will be announced at the end of Term 2, 2025.

Years 7 & 11 All-Round Excellence Bursaries 2026

Thanks to the generosity of the Old Virgilians Association and other College benefactors, we are in a position to make available a number of bursaries to boys who have displayed all-round excellence during their time at the College. These bursaries incorporate areas such as academic studies, leadership, music, the arts, outdoor education, service, and co-curricular activities.

These bursaries are for two years and will provide tuition fee relief ranging from 25-50%. The Bursaries are offered for entry at Years 7 and 11 in 2026. They are available to new and current students.

Years 6 and 10 students apply by completing the below Google forms, explaining their achievements and their commitment to their studies and College life.

Year 7 Bursaries 2026 Registration

Year 11 Bursaries 2026 Registration

Applications close on Friday 14 March 2025. Applications will be reviewed and students will attend an interview with College Leadership Team.

For further information, please contact Mrs Kim Mooney – Acting Deputy Principal,

Recipients will be announced at the end of Term 2, 2025.


Q. How will scholarships and bursaries be decided? 

All academic scholarships will be decided from analysis of the test results. The Principal will also have discretion to select a candidate for scholarship. 

Bursary applications will be reviewed and students will attend an interview with College Leadership staff.

Q. Why is scholarship testing scheduled on a Saturday? 

To achieve their best students need to be relaxed and fresh of mind. To do such a test after school places added pressure on tired, hungry young men. Scheduling on a Saturday results in less interruption to the school week.

Q. How long will scholarship testing take? 

Approximately two and a half hours. Students will have a 15 minute refreshment break after Test 2. 

Q. What does a scholarship or bursary cover?

Academic scholarships cover tuition fees only.

Who are Edutest?

Edutest is an educational assessment organisation that specialises in scholarship exams.

Edutest is based on a solid educational foundation and a team of experienced educational psychologists, educators and administrators ensure valid and reliable testing and meaningful feedback to the College.

Edutest is a secure service and all information received will be managed in accordance to our Privacy Policy.

Educational assessments include: 

  1. Verbal Reasoning
    This test measures the ability to think and reason using words and language. Items tap vocabulary, word relationships, coding, classification & deduction. 
  2. Numerical Reasoning
    This test measures the ability to think and reason using numbers. Items tap series, matrices, arithmetical reasoning and deduction. 
  3. Reading Comprehension
    This test measures the capacity to read and interpret meaning from written passages, as well as correct, complete and punctuate sentences. 
  4. Mathematics
    This test measures year-level appropriate mathematical knowledge including items tapping numbers, measurement, space & data.