Our Shared Vision
Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the St Virgil’s College Community.
By deeds, not words alone, we follow his example in embracing Gospel values, demonstrating care and concern for all, and building a community that is safe, secure and just.
The spirit of Edmund Rice inspires us in our mission of Catholic education to affirm the uniqueness of our students and to develop their potential. We encourage all members of our community to work in partnership, drawing responsibly on the considerable resources at our disposal.
We treasure our blessed history and rich traditions, and welcome with hope the invitation to continued growth and new life in Christ.
Leadership is encouraged at all levels of the College from Kindergarten to Year 12. Opportunities in outdoor education and camps are presented to all students.
Boys are nurtured, challenged and fully engaged in learning opportunities and experiences at St Virgil's. The College has a strong commitment to pastoral care, assisting the personal development of boys.
While there is a strong sense of community, students are encouraged to look beyond their immediate experience to see and respond to the needs of others less fortunate. The College supports Edmund Rice Camps, the work of the Christian Brothers in East Africa and appeals such as Project Compassion.
Our College Crest
The crest has significant symbolism.

The central star symbolizes Faith and Enlightenment: a faith which is the gift of God waiting to be strengthened by the enlightenment and instruction which a Catholic school should impart to its pupils.
The Star is set on the Cross, the source and inspiration of our faith and the instrument of our redemption.
The Cross, with its circle, the symbol of eternity, and its traceries are essentially Celtic in design.
The ribbon which twines round the circle appears above the Cross and bears the inscription – to Do and to Teach – which is the motto of the Christian Brothers.
The open book implies that the aim of the college is to impart religious and secular knowledge.
The Greek letters Alpha and Omega, the first and the last letters of the Greek Alphabet, signify God the Father, 'The beginning and the end, and Christ, the first and the last' respectively.
By Deeds not Words
The Motto 'By Deeds not Words' stresses the point that the object of the instruction given is not merely an academic one. It is a strong, manly motto, and recalls the advice of the Apostle James, in his epistle 'I will prove to you that I have a faith, by showing you my good works.'
Parents and Friends Association
Find out about our dynamic and energetic Parents and Friends Association and upcoming events.
St Virgil’s could not be the great school it is without all the volunteer support and assistance we receive from our parents, grandparents and community. All volunteers must have a current Working with Vulnerable Peoples card in line with our commitment to child safety and wellbeing.
We have a range of areas we can greatly use your help with including:
- Reading and learning support
- Canteen
- School work projects
- School Fairs
- Classroom help
If you have a special skill you think would be of use please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.
Old Virgilians
With over 10 000 former students, our Old Virgilian's are active participants in our community.
Student Welfare Services
This is a free and confidential service available for members of the St Virgil’s Community.
It includes assessment and intervention to address educational, social, emotional and behavioural needs. Our services can be delivered individually, to groups and with families.
Services include:
- Psycho-educational assessment and recommendations
- Mental health and wellbeing screening and referral
- Counselling
- Referrals to and liaison with community agencies and other professionals
- Consultation with school staff parental consultation and counselling case coordination
There are many issues that can impact a student’s educational progress and social/emotional wellbeing that could be addressed, such as:
- Learning styles, difficulties and disorders
- Behavioural issues
- Stress, anger and depression
- Loneliness, friendship concerns and peer relationships Bullying and harassment
- Managing life with disabilities and health issues Poor school attendance, engagement and refusal Trauma, grief and loss
- Family conflict
- Social skills training
- Study skills
- Difficulties with sleep and eating
- Transition and managing change
- Loss of motivation and poor achievement
- Coping with separation and divorce
- Assessment of and meeting the needs of gifted and talented students Substance use and abuse
Parents may access support directly or through their son’s Heads of House.
Kelsey Odgers
- Provisional Psychologist/Counsellor
- Email: kodgers@stvirgils.tas.edu.au
Lucinda Gear
- College Counsellor
- Email: lgear@stvirgils.tas.edu.au
Mental Health Helpline: 1800 332 388
Child Protection: 1800 001/219
Youthbeyondblue: 1300 22 4636
Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Sane Australia: 1800 18 7263