Enhancing Educational Facilities for Students & Developing Community
St Virgil’s College is committed to providing all students with first class educational opportunities, delivered by committed and enthusiastic teachers in facilities that incorporate emerging technologies to enhance learning outcomes for each student. Increased learning outcomes will also be enhanced by increasing connectedness between students, parents, staff, old scholars and the wider community. This is facilitated through the planning and managements of events, programs and other educational initiatives.
The College has developed a Building Master Plan to guide the development of educational facilities for students and staff for the next decade to incorporate the College's Kindergarten to Year 12 educational pathway.

In recent years the College has undertaken an exciting range of capital projects including the development of its Early Learning Years Centre, refurbishment of Senior School general learning areas, development of contemporary science laboratories and specialist facilities for a range of VET subjects.
The College has taken on a considerable financial burden to provide current and future generations of St Virgil’s College students with first class educational facilities that will maximise teaching and learning outcomes for all boys. Whilst the College lives within its means, later stages of the Building Master Plan can be expedited through members of the College family donating to the College Building Fund.
All donations to the College Building Fund are fully tax deductible. Donations can be made in a lump sum format (of cash or other goods of value such as shares or property) or through establishing an automatic debit to the College Building Fund.