Future Term Dates
Please note that future school term dates are set by the Education Department. St Virgil's has the discretion to a day or two start earlier or later and will advise at towards the end of each year.
Term 1
School Office Opens
Monday 6 January
New Staff Induction (SVC)
Monday 3 February
Teaching Staff Commence
Tuesday 4 February
Prep-Year 7 Commences
Friday 7 February
Royal Hobart Regatta Public Holiday
Monday 10 February
Kindergarten and Years 8-12 Students Commence
Tuesday 11 February
Eight Hours Day Public Holiday
Monday 10 March
Term 1 Concludes
Friday 11 April
Easter Break
Friday 18 April – Tuesday 22 April
Term 2
ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Friday 25 April
Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences Kindergarten - Year 12
Monday 28 April
Term 2 Commences
Tuesday 29 April
Student Free Day (Whole School) - Staff Professional Learning
Friday 6 June
King's Birthday Public Holiday
Monday 9 June
Term 2 Concludes
Friday 4 July
Term 3
Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences Kindergarten - Year 12
Monday 21 July
Term 3 Commences
Tuesday 22 July
Term 3 Concludes
Thursday 25 September
Student Free Day (Whole School)
Friday 26 September
Term 4
Term 4 Commences
Monday 13 October
Royal Hobart Show Day Public Holiday
Thursday 23 October
Student Free Day (Whole School)
Friday 24 October
Term 4 Concludes
Friday 12 December
Teaching Staff Conclude
Wednesday 17 December
Admin/Maintenance Conclude
Friday 19 December
Please note that future school term dates are set by the Education Department. St Virgil's has the discretion to a day or two start earlier or later and will advise at towards the end of each year.