
College Policies

The College exists under a Policy framework overseen by its governors - Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) and the Tasmanian Catholic Education Commission (TCEC). Core College policies are listed below.

Parent & Community Member Code of Conduct

Diversity, Inclusion and Respect for Others

EREA Privacy Policy

Personal Information Request Form

Notification of the Collection of Personal Information

Photography and Video Policy Photography

Enrolment Policy

Social Media - Organisational Usage Policy

Excursions Policy

Child Safety Statement

All children and young people have a right to feel safe and be safe. For more information about our Child Safety and Wellbeing at St Virgil's College, click below.

Complaint Management and Grievance Process

St Virgil’s College recognises that all staff and volunteers minister in the name of the Catholic Church. Foundational to this is the commitment to  ensuring that all relationships between the College, staff, students, parents and members of the wider community reflect the values of the College. This commitment to the values of St Virgil’s College calls all members of the College community to engage in mutually respectful relationships which honour the dignity of each person and provide appropriate means for dealing with any grievances or complaints.

EREA and Catholic Education Tasmania Policies

A full list of policies can be found at:

