"Nothing without joy" - Loris Malaguzzi
The wonder and joy of learning grows from rich play experiences with open-ended materials, and the time for boys to imagine and ponder. Interwoven in these experiences lies the capacity, confidence and disposition to use language in all its forms.
Personalised learning experiences cater for unique interests and individual learning journeys. Each boy’s passions and gifts and preferred ‘Languages’ of self- expression and communication are identified, embraced and developed.
Our experienced and highly qualified Early Childhood educators cherish creativity and provide rich engaging environments that invite boys’ sense of wonder and mystery where they can develop and use different ‘Languages’ of expression.
Shared discussion and the development of inquiry projects is a key component of learning experiences within Kindergarten. The early years educators at St Virgil’s listen intently to each boy’s ideas, they value their contributions, and they record their dialogue so that it can be revisited for discussion and deeper thinking.
A nurturing and caring environment and supportive educators’ welcome boys and families into our learning community where a sense of belonging and mutual respect is fostered and trusting reciprocal relationships are cultivated.
Our approach to every boy is influenced by our image of the child, as an image of God, a capable and competent citizen who makes valuable contributions to our world and whose rich potential will blossom with nurturing.
Early Learning Philosophy
At St Virgil’s College we have created an environment which values creativity, kindness, citizenship, engagement, inquiry, wonder and joy.
As a compassionate community connected through faith, we invite children into a close relationship with Christ and aspire to be faithful to the four touchstones of the Charter for Edmund Rice Education Australia schools.
We believe that every child is capable, rich in possibilities and potential and as such has a right to a quality early year learning program.
We value and respect the innate curiosity that drives boys to explore and make meaning of the world and their place in it.
We believe that boys learn best through authentic play experiences and the excitement and joy of discovery.
We believe nature and experiences in the natural environment are intrinsically treasured by all children and are essential to the development and wellbeing of boys.
We believe everyone has the right to belong. We embrace diversity and value the respectful relationships, which develop when boys are allowed to navigate their own learning through meaningful and reciprocal relationships with educators and with the world around them.
We believe in the value of time - time to discover, time to engage, time to wonder and time to inquire, problem solve and reflect. Time and space to be amazed, fascinated and curious. Time to love learning, time to share learning and time to build deep understanding. Time to flourish and learn in the here and now.
By Deeds, not Words Alone!