
The Junior School Curriculum has been structured in order to optimise boys’ engagement and learning across all curriculum areas. Our curriculum is comprehensive, interesting and challenging and encourages boys to strive for personal excellence in all endeavours. Our staff implicitly understand that boys have different learning needs and styles and provide opportunities for boys to grow and experience success.

From Monday to Friday the morning block is devoted to Literacy activities followed by a Numeracy block up until the lunch break.

Following lunch, the boys generally engage in activities related to Religion, Science and HASS.

The use of ICT is integrated across all subject areas.

On Fridays, school assembly is usually held where boys have an opportunity to display some of their work, receive awards and celebrate birthdays just to name a few.

Classes take turns at presenting a liturgy at these assemblies.

Literacy Blocks

Literacy blocks are timetabled at the beginning of the day. We begin the year with a whole school focus on Spelling Mastery and in Term 4 work with cross-year Reading Groups on a specific novel focus. Students are then engaged in completing Literacy activities within their own class, such as guided reading, comprehension, punctuation and grammar conventions and learning about different writing genres.The College uses MacLit and other explicit learning intervention program.

Numeracy Blocks

Numeracy blocks are timetabled between recess and lunch. Generally during the first 30 minutes of this block the focus is on problem solving and mental maths. In Years 3 and 4, the maths program follows an inquiry based, problem solving model. In Year 5s and 6, classes are using the Maths pathway program.

Integrated Units of Study

All topics for year levels are outlined at the commencement of the school year. Each year has a major focus for each term in Science and HASS. Many of these units are enhanced by excursions, for example, a visit to Parliament House or incursions, for example, visits by Young Tassie Scientists.

Outdoor Education

Each class attends an annual camp. Camps may be organised around our teaching program or simply to promote cooperation, friendship, challenging activities and enjoyment. Currently our Year 3 students have a two-day camp at Roches Beach, Year 4 students visit the East Coast and Maria Island for a three-day experience, Year 5 students go to Port Arthur, participating in such adventures as raft building, bush walking and visiting the historic site and Year 6 students visit Canberra over a four-day period, taking in many of the key sites and features of our nation's capital as part of studies in Civics and Citizenship. 

Specialist Subjects

Each class has Music, Library, Physical Education, Woodwork, Art and Japanese.

All students from Year 3 are also provided a camp experience, and opportunities for extension experiences in woodwork, geography, leadership and drama.


The Junior School offers a comprehensive music program where students have weekly Music lessons and play a variety of different instruments. In Year 5 and 6, students have the opportunity to play in a Concert Band and learn a Wind, Brass, or Percussion instrument. They receive a weekly small group tutorial with a specialist instrumental teacher and then come together as a whole class Band for a weekly rehearsal. We also offer private tuition and have an excellent Junior School Choir. 


Each class has a 90-minute Art class every fortnight. The work being produced by the boys under the guidance and instruction of our specialist art teacher is amazing!

Learning Enhancement

Learning Enhancement is available for those students who are found to be experiencing challenges accessing the curriculum and require extra support. This is achieved through involvement in specialist programs as well as the support of Learning Support Officers. Additionally students are also afforded opportunities for extension and enrichment learning activities. A number of successful programs are used to assist boys with their spelling, math and reading development.

Religion and Faith Development

In addition to the formal classroom curriculum, students attend class and school Masses at the Cathedral; participate in daily classroom prayer; and prepare and participate in liturgies at class level and school level.


Year 5 and 6 students are able to join our Mini Vinnies Group, which works under the banner of the St Vincent de Paul Society. They organise many fundraising and awareness activities including a clothing and blanket drive; Towel Tuesday; soup and roll days, Loui’s Van and working with Bethlehem House.

The Junior School actively supports Caritas Australia through Project Compassion and other fundraising efforts.

The Junior School also responds to other special needs that arise for individuals, groups, regions or countries.

iPad Program

St Virgil's College has a 1:1 iPad program. The iPads provide an important learning tool to enhance classroom and homework tasks and are complemented by a range of other learning tools, including a focus on handwriting and book work. 


Being able to complete study at home is an important skill for students to learn. Teachers recognise that students lead busy lives but being able to plan blocks of time during the week to complete home learning is an invaluable skill. 

Aims of Homework 

  • To assist students develop worthwhile study habits, which will equip them with strategies that promote independent learning.
  • To provide valuable opportunities for students to develop responsibility, perseverance, self-discipline and time management skills.
  • To be conscious that homework does not encroach on co-curricular experiences that students enjoy and gain considerable benefit.
  • To provide opportunities for positive support roles for parents to assist their children.

Excursions & Visiting Performers

Teachers incorporate a wide variety of excursions into their class curriculum. These experiences reinforce what is being learnt in class and often provide interesting, informative, hands on experiences for our students. Regular performers also visit the College adding to the comprehensive teaching program already provided.


Curriculum is supported by a range of co-curricular activities, which are delivered in a safe environment where students and their families are very welcome and valued. 

These activities are many and varied and promote:

  • Participation, cooperation and enjoyment;
  • The development of skills;
  • Health and wellbeing; and 
  • Leadership and sportsmanship.

Find more about these here.